Year in Review: Highlights from 2023-2024 AAUW Programs

by Berta Winiker, Program Committee Chair

Looking Back

We socialized aplenty at our Fall Potluck, Holiday Party, and Spring Fling Tea while welcoming the change of seasons. We danced to the tunes of Rosin the Beaux; we plied our imaginative talents during a Readers Theatre interactive workshop. We were royally entertained at the “Head to Toe” fashion program that we enjoyed while sipping tea and munching on goodies. We voiced our opinions in a Zoom discussion of The Good Life. We were enlightened on the topics of Memoir Writing, Ethical AI Use, and a well-attended Freedom to Read panel discussion. And we engaged the public and attracted a few new members. Currently we are in the midst of a variety of programs centered around The Last Night at the Telegraph Club.

Looking Ahead

It’s time to start over again.  What kinds of programs would you like us to offer next year? The  Program Committee has been keeping a list of suggested events. During the picnic, we will provide you  with this list, ask you to rank your preferences, and to ask you for your reactions and for your own suggestions.

  • Multi-part Movie on Dante and discussion
  • Another Readers Theater event, with branch  members selecting the play and reading parts
  • A talk by Deb Burns about the plastics problem and her experience as an informed “non-expert” who has been trained to become a community resource on a global issue
  • Playback Theater (Janet Groom)
  • Arise Firebird – A documentary that celebrates the resilience and empowerment of women, including Black, Indigenous, and People of Color
  • Tour of the Old First Church
  • Sage Symphony outing
  • Indigenous People presentation 
  • Presentations of Travel Trips
  • Bennington Museum visit to view women’s art and the updated Grandma Moses exhibit.
  • Get out the vote event
  • Sponsoring a forum with Becca Balint
  • Climate change presentation by Judith Schwarz
  • Reproductive rights (Logan O’Grady Snow)


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