Candidate Forum

As we have for every assembly race in Bennington since 2006, the AAUW Bennington Branch will again give the public a chance to meet the legislative candidates from Bennington 2-1 and Bennington 2-2. The forum is scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 14 at 7:00 pm.  This year’s candidates are:

Bennington 2-1: Tim Corcoran, Colleen Harrington, and Dane Whitman

Bennington 2-2: Peter Brady, Sr., Jim Carroll, Mary Morrissey, and Michael Nigro

Usually the forums take place at the Bennington fire house and require a lot of work to get the room ready–setting up tables, arranging chairs, and preparing refreshments. This year’s event is a bit different and takes a different kind of preparation.  In cooperation with CAT TV, we will be doing a virtual forum on Zoom. The meeting will be open by 6:45 pm on Oct. 14. You may join the meeting by clicking this link or entering it into your browser:

Kathy Wagenknecht, AAUW Bennington Branch president,  has kindly agreed to be the moderator, handling the introductions and the opening statement.  Several AAUW Branch committee members will ask questions of the candidates. Candidates will be given 4-5 questions about Bennington and /or Vermont with each given an opportunity to reply.

Please spread the word to friends and neighbors. Everyone is invited to attend.