How Germany’s Weimar Democray Became the Third Reich

In a timely presentation, Jack Mayer will speak, Sept. 24, on “How Did Germany’s Weimar Democracy Become the Third Reich?”

Mayer’s talk is grounded in his historical novel Before the Court of HeavenMayer is the author of four books, including, Life in a Jar, about the rescue of young children from the Warsaw Ghetto. He has also published two volumes of poetry: Poems From the Wilderness (Proverse 2019), winner of the Proverse Prize) and Entanglements: Physics, Love, And Wilderness Dreams (Proverse 2022), which reflects his interest in the physics and metaphysics of cosmology and the primacy of relationships.

The program begins at 2 pm and is free and open to the public.

* This is a Vermont Humanities Council event hosted by Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Bennington.

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