Who Are The Silent Angels?

By Mary Feidner

A number of years ago the AAUW Bennington Board  decided as a group to individually give $100 annually to the Scholarship Fund for non-traditional women students.  This became a tradition and continues to this day.  Over the years, non-board members have joined this group.  From time to time, because of changing personal financial situations, a member has changed her annual contribution from $100 to $50 or less annually.  These consistent donations have helped provide stability to the Scholarship Fund.  The name Silent Angels was chosen for this generous group to signify its ongoing commitment to support non-traditional women students who are pursuing a college education.

Silent Angels receive a reminder in August each year to make their contribution in September and send it to the Silent Angels Co-ordinator, who at the present time is Mary Feidner.  The Co-ordinator deposits these checks in the AAUW account at the Citizens Bank in Bennington and sends a receipt to the branch treasurer, who currently is Jan Day.  The Scholarship Committee is then ready to write checks for the students when it reviews applications in the fall and following spring.

If you would like to become a Silent Angel, please make out your check to AAUW with Scholarship Fund in the memo section and mail it to Mary Feidner, 26 College Road, North Bennington, VT 05257.

Thank you very much for your generosity,

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