Thank You, Lucy Robinson

By Jennifer Kern

Recently retired, Lucy Robinson was the Financial Aid Counselor for Community College of Vermont.

Lucy has been helping the Scholarship Committee Members put together the AAUW Scholarship For Women from its conception in 2006.  Lucy and the student advisors helped the committee put together an eligibility list and the requirement list needed for receiving our scholarship.

Lucy continued to be involved with the scholarship process by working with me to write the application form.  Together we created a form that covered the applicants basic information plus the financial information the committee would need to make informed decisions. Sensing that the women applying may never have filled out an application of this kind, she put together a sheet of helpful tips including a time line to ensure that all the requirements would get done on time; various  websites and people to call on for help; and  a sheet for writing an essay that would remind them of how to write a good essay and how an essay is a tool to promote yourself to the committee.

Over the years, Lucy and I went over the application form to make sure the information we were asking for was still relevant to our needs and could be clearly understood by the student.

Lucy was a great help in finding ways for students to be aware of our scholarship.

Between the student advisors handing out our basic scholarship information sheet, a student email blast with a scholarship reminder, and a link directly to me and the scholarship committee.  Lucy had her own connection with students in need of aid and gave me their emails. I sent out twenty or so applications each semester.

Lucy was also our source for financial aid figures and other relevant information when the committee needed to have a knowledgable discussion to select recipients.

Thank you,  Lucy,  for your dedication to the success of our branch scholarship. The branch members and the scholarship committee thank you for helping us find worthy students who need our financial help to start or continue their college career so that they would be able to achieve their educational and personal goals.

Finally, thank  you so much from all the recipients for being instrumental in helping them afford to start or stay in college.

We all wish you much happiness and well-being in your retirement!