Blaming, Shaming, Understanding: Changing Attitudes Toward Poverty

The program, co-sponsored by the UU Fellowship and the Bennington Branch of the American Association of University Women, features speakers Naomi Miller and Sue Andrews.

Date: November 13
Time: 2:00 pm
 Unitarian Universalist Meetinghouse, 108 School Street, Bennington. Masks and social distancing are required.

The presentation will explore attitudes towards and issues surrounding persons who are living in poverty.

Sue Andrews is retired from a career in community and public health where she enjoyed the challenge of trying to improve the lives of family and children. She was privileged to work for Greater Bennington Interfaith Community Services (GBICS) and its remarkable team of employees and volunteers  from 2007 to 2020.

Naomi Miller is a retired community college social work educator. She has been a consultant on issues of race, class and gender for the New Jersey Educational Opportunity Fund, the New Jersey Project on Inclusive Scholarship and Teaching and the New Jersey Council on the Humanities, as well as providing staff trainings on issues related to poverty for a variety of social service agencies.

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