Programs for 2023

February 18, 1:00 – 3:00. PLAY-DATE with Jennifer Jasper, playwright, story teller, director, actor. AAUW-only program.  Details to follow in the February newsletter.

March:  A tea in the Old First Church Barn on Saturday, March 11 at 1 pm featuring a program about women in the Civil War by historic interpreter Phyllis Chapman. As Dr. Mary Walker, a native of Oswego, New  York, and a fully credentialed doctor of the period, Phyllis will share Dr. Walker’s experiences and those of an interesting variety of women, North and South. Who was the first woman to lead a military raid? Why were Albert Cashier and Frank Thompson unusual soldiers? What did women do on the home front to support the fighting men and their country? The answers are surprising!

April:  Joint program with UUFB, held at UUFB Meetinghouse. Meg Mott from the Vermont. Humanities Council will present “Must Free Speech Endure Hate Speech?” on Sunday, April 2 at 2pm.  Location: UU Meetinghouse.

May:  Tentative programs:

  • Naomi Miller, who spoke at the program on poverty in November, is exploring the possibility of  a follow up program– a simulation experience in which participants explore what it’s like to be poor.  More information in a subsequent newsletter.
  • Judy Kniffin is arranging for a talk about making the economy more equitable and humane.  Speaker and date to be determined.

June:  Annual meeting and potluck picnic.  Date and venue will be announced in a subsequent newsletter.