Thank You, Kathy

By Suzanne Kirkpatrick

Kathy, Tango, and Birdie

Everyone has told me that being president of AAUW is an easy job, that all the president has to do is hold two or three board meetings a year, and introduce guests speakers. I was skeptical. It seems to me that each president I have been associated with has done more. I certainly know that Kathy did.

Kathy walked into the job with confidence, introducing our meetings, but also presiding at a Legislature Candidates’ meeting, demonstrating comfort before the town, not just AAUW members. This was not on the list of duties I had been made aware.

She joined Scribble Sisters before the writing group had that name, which was Kathy’s suggestion. Her IT background had given her tremendous skills that enhanced her contributions to AAUW Bennington. She co-designed the monthly newsletters, and paved the way for Scratchings to be printed. There are now five editions, and each one has helped support non-traditional students further their educations at CCV. She used her time and skills with us, doing all the work of getting the books together, many, many hours of work on each one, so we could help support our mission.

Kathy’s computer skills were especially important for us during the pandemic. She kept us operating by purchasing and learning to use Zoom. Board meetings, Scribble Sisters meetings, Branch Programs, and even a reading group, The Pandemic Reading Group, met on Zoom when we couldn’t meet in in person.

While many members were behind a successful year of celebrating the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th amendment granting women’s suffrage, Kathy’s leadership and ideas culminated in a wonderful event at the Park-McCullough House with some guests even attending in period dress. It was an inspiring event!

 Kathy Wagenknecht now joins the pantheon of former presidents. She has given us her person.

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