Changes in Silent Angels

Silent Angels are AAUW members who want to support the scholarship for local non-traditional women students without having many bake sales or being asked at every local meeting to donate or take part in other small profit activities. Years ago, a member suggested that we just ask members who were willing to give yearly to give $100.00 or a sum more or less that fit their budget. These members are called Silent Angels, silent because their names are known only to the person who has a list of the angels and collects the yearly donation.

Before we talk about how the timeline for Silent Angels will be changing, we want to thank all members who have donated to the program over the years for making a college education a possibility for the recipients. We also want to thank Mary Feidner for being the first to collect the donations, deposit them, and write thank you notes to the Angels.

Because of changes at the Community College of Vermont CCV), the timeline for Silent Angels’ donations and our approach to the scholarship award has been adjusted. Now most of the counseling of students is done through Castleton University, not CCV in Bennington. Now, as you were informed in a past newsletter, our branch scholarship will be awarded to students who are going to any college or technical school. This year in the late spring, a notice will go out to many places so that local non-traditional students, students who are starting or continuing their college education later in life, will know about the possibility of applying for a scholarship.

Newer members, this is a call for you to consider being a Silent Angel. Current Angels, we hope you continue your support. You will be asked to send in a form submitting your name in the January newsletter to the member in charge of collecting the the forms, and later your donations, to our new Silent Angels Coordinator, Jennifer Kern. Your form should be turned in by February 1. Jennifer’s name and address will be on the form. If you forget the deadline, Jennifer will send you a reminder.

Thank you for considering being a Silent Angel or continuing to be one of the angels who helps to make college possible for women working on their education later in life.