Scratchings from the Scribble Sisters

Welcome to our Scribblers Scratchings page. For the last five years, the group has also published a selection of their work, with proceeds going to the Scholarship Fund.

Scribble Sisters meet twice a month, and have been doing so since 2017.  Ruth Olsson’s porch in Shaftsbury was home to the Scribble Sisters’ meetings for May through early November this year of still-worrisome Covid-19 breakouts.  See this collection of writings done on Ruth’s Porch.

During every meeting, a time is set aside for writing. Generally about 20 minutes. Writers are given a prompt to write about, and are to stop when the timer sounds.  Sometimes only partially developed ideas are produced, but other times the results are “keepers.”  If a posted piece is from a timed writing, it will be marked with a ⏰.


By purchasing a copy of Scratchings 5 you are making a donation to the Branch Scholarship Fund, supporting AAUW Branch members, and giving yourself a treat.  Click here to order Scratchings 5

A Day Unlike Any Other by Berta Winiker (February, 2023)

The Throwaway Society by Ruth Ollson (February, 2023)

Two Short Poems for March by Wilma Johnson (February, 2023)

Horner’s Corner  by Kathy Wagenknecht (February, 2023)

My Room for This Winter by Suzanne Kirkpatrick (February, 2023)

Au Printemps   by Wilma Johnson (April, 2023)

Christmas 2022  by Nancy Shoerke (April, 2023)

The Worst New Thing   by Kathy Wagenknecht (April, 2023)

Making my Rounds  by Berta Winiker (April, 2023)