President’s Message

January 2024

After four months of trying to figure out just what the President of Bennington AAUW does, I’m beginning to get some understanding, and I’m asking you, also, to get more involved.

I’ve started reading, not deleting, National AAUW’s newsletter—Mission and Action—in order to keep in touch with what our national organization is doing, and it’s impressive. I ask each of you, too, to read at least one section a month from this newsletter and to think about what you have read.*

I’m also reading AAUW‘s Advancement Committee News and taking part in a five-state subgroup that meets bi-monthly with the presidents of these branches. The committee grapples with issues on a more local level, issues like how to strengthen the relationship with branch policy chairs (we don’t have one right now) and the problem of local branches trying to find new leaders.

I also encourage you to continue learning from the great programs we offer, such as the one with Robert Waldinger, co-author of The Good Life, in conversation with Julie Mackaman. He shared some of what he had learned being the head of a research program that has continued since the 1930’s.  We had the opportunity not only to meet with him on Zoom and hear his thoughts but also to ask questions that were inspired by his book. And because our Book Group chose to read the book, we had many, many questions.

Let’s continue to have fun, as we certainly did at our holiday gathering, dancing and eating and sharing stories. We are grateful that Rosin the Beaux continues to be happy entertaining us!  This month’s workshop with Ingrid Madelayne on January 20 also promises to fun—and informative, too! But in the future, let’s also try to learn new things about AAUW’s national activities that relate to their mission and to ours.

* If you are not receiving the newsletter, please email or call Kathy Wagenknecht so she can help in correcting the omission.

Note: Another way to get involved is to sign up for the Two-Minute Activist: With AAUW’s Online Two-Minute Activist ( tool. It takes just minutes and an internet connection to make your voice heard on issues impacting women and girls!
