* Wednesday, October 9 at 1 pm. Scribble Sisters. Location tbd.
* Wednesday, October 16 at 1 pm. Book Group. Location: UU Meetinghouse. Parable of the Sower (1993) by Octavia Butler.
* Wednesday, October 23 at 1 pm. Scribble Sisters. Location tbd
* October 22 at 7 pm. Candidate Forum:
Our branch is one again hosting a forum to help voters become more familiar with House and Senatorial candidates from Bennington Districts 2 and 5. This program is open to the public. Location: Bennington Firehouse. See Candidate Forum by Julie Mackaman.
November 7 and 8: Private Tour of a Bennington Museum Exhibit
To sign up, send an email to AAUWBennvt@Gmail.com.
Put either Tour #1 or Tour #2 in the Subject line.
Each tour is limited to 9 people. There is no charge. Our branch is covering the fee.
Thursday, November 7 at 10:00 am. Bennington Museum—Private Tour #1 (Focus on Pottery Gallery and The Circus is Coming to Town.) [UPDATE: This tour has been changed to a focus on Vermont Rocks and the Circus is Coming to Town].Friday, November 8 at 10:00 am. Bennington Museum—Private Tour #2 (Focus on Vermont Rocks and The Circus is Coming to Town.):
Saturday, December 7 at 1 pm at The Barn. Holiday Party.
Candidate Forum: Come Meet the Candidates! by Julie Mackaman
From the Scribble Sisters:
My Dog Donny by Ruth Bornholdt
Lowell Lake by Berta Winiker
We have two new chairs.
- Hospitality—Mary Ellen Munley has taken on this position, which involves arranging for meeting space, setting up refreshments, and planning a Spring Tea or luncheon.
- Membership Chair— Althea Church welcomes new members and brings the name tags to meetings.
Newsletter Editor, Dawn Rodrigues (dawn.rodrigues@gmail.com), Co-Editor, Kathy Wagenknecht (calmdogs@gmail.com)
Added: Consider submitting an article, essay, poem. or announcement about women. Perhaps you would like to write a review of a book you enjoyed. Or you might want to share poetry, prose pieces, photographs, or recommendations for reading online articles. Just send an email to one of us, and we’ll include your submission in an upcoming newsletter.