Potluck at the Old First Church Barn, June 17 at noon.
June 14–1 to 3. Scribble Sisters, Left Bank
June 17 at 12:00 noon. Potluck at Old First Church Barn.
Bring a dish to share (main dish, salad, vegetable, or dessert). Paper plates and utensils will be provided. Water will be available, too. Bring a lawn chair or two if you’d like to sit outside. Before we eat, we’ll have a brief branch meeting to discuss plans for the coming year and to hold an election of officers. Meeting and Board Elections.
June 21 at noon. Book Group, Left Bank.
This month, our selection is Vermont Reads 2022: The Most Costly Journey, the Vermont Reads Book Selection for 2022.
June 28 —1 to 3. Scribble Sisters (Zoom)
June 25—2 to 3 at Bennington Museum.
Avis Hayden talks about Lucy Terry Prince of Sunderland, the first African American female poet in the country. Although not an AAUW program, this Bennington Historical Society presentation promises to be of interest to our members. See Avis Hayden on Lucy Terry Prince
Summer Newsletter Break. We take a break from the Newsletter in the summer. Expect e-Blasts for occasional announcements. Book Group and Scribble Sisters continue to meet. If there’s an event of interest to members, consider organizing a small group outing. Send an email to AauwBenningtonVT@gmail.com, and our President will respond and help you.
Dues Announcement Dues Announcement From Your Treasurer
Book Group Selections from June to March: Suggestions and Selections
Newsletter Editor: Dawn Rodrigues (dawn.rodrigues@gmail.com).