December 2024 Newsletter (Revised)

Once again, Rosin the Beaux members John Case, Linda Burlak, Rico Dovey, Alan Dunlavey, Pat Dunlavey, Deb Burns, and Lawrence Smith will cook up some tunes for us for our Holiday Dessert Party.


Saturday, December 7 at 1 pm. Holiday Dessert Party with Rosin the Beaux

Universalist Meetinghouse

Wednesday, Book Group at 1 pm. Unitarian Universalist Meetinghouse. This month’s book is Foster by Claire Keegan (2022). Jan Day will lead the discussion.

Wednesday, December 11 at 1 pm. Scribble Sisters. Location TBD.

Sunday, January 26 at 1:00 pm. “Welcoming Refugees to Bennington,” Bennington Library. Jack Rossiter-Munley, Program Director and Sheila Mullineux, AAUW and UU member will explain the program and lead a discussion. Open to the public.  Members are encouraged to invite neighbors and friends.  Some of the Vermont newcomers will be attending the program, too!


“Changes in Silent Angels”  Suzanne Kirkpatrick and Jennifer Kern.

Looking Ahead — Program Plans for January to June” by Berta Winiker.

“December Museum Visit” by Berta Winiker

Jamie Fletcher, Bennington Museum Curator (left rear) with AAUW members who visited the museum on Friday, November 8. Photos on display on the wall are part of “The Circus is Coming to Town” exhibit in the museum lobby. Nicholas Whitman photographed the vintage pictures in 1972 when he visited his old barn and found that few fragments of posters remained on the wall; however, a couple of lumps of circus posters, many layers thick and measuring about 3’ by 5’ each, advertised shows in Bennington, Vermont and other local towns.≈


Newsletter Editor, Dawn Rodrigues ( & Co-Editor, Kathy Wagenknecht (

Consider submitting an article, essay, poem, or announcement about women. Perhaps you would like to write a review of a book you enjoyed. Or you might want to share poetry, prose pieces, photographs, or recommendations for reading online articles. Just send an email to one of us, and we’ll include your submission in an upcoming newsletter.