Since 1987, the United States has formally recognized March as National Women’s History Month–a month set aside to honor women’s contributions to history, culture and society.
This month’s program: Mia Shultz, President of the Rutland Area NAACP speaks about her “Journey to Community Activism“
March 9 at 7:00 pm on Zoom. Bit.ly/AAUWBennProgram
Feature Story: Celebrating the Accomplishments of American Women: Eunice Foote and Josephine Silone-Yates
This feature story by Gudrun Hutchins provides background on Women’s History Month and introduces us to two women, one White and one Black, who contributed to science during the nineteenth century. Both were also active in the women’s rights movement.
Diversity Comic: Gender Optional
This month’s comic, by comic artist, Anna Moriarty Lev, is based on her children’s questions about gender differences. For some context on gender terminology, see this article on the AAUW website: Gender Fluidity
A Publication for Women by Women: The 19th*: A Newsletter by and for Women
Judy Murphy reviews an online publication called the 19th*. Read her story to learn about this new resource.
Explore AAUW Publications: Publications from National AAUW
Ruth Botzow, Past President, Bennington Branch, writes about important AAUW resources.
Meet AAUW Members
As we continue to feature “new members,” we will also include columns about other members, so that we can gradually get to know one another. Would you like to interview a member you don’t know well or haven’t met? Send an email to aauwbennvt@gmail.com and let us know whom you will write about.
Meet Darcy Webb by Claudia Dalton
Meet Doreen Forney by Margaret Howland
Scholarship Thank You: a Letter from CCV
We received a heartfelt “thank you” from Aimee Stephenson, Director of Resource Development CCV that we’d like to share with members.
Resources of Interest: Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Links
Each month, we will will include resources that relate to our program theme of diversity, equity, and inclusion. We invite members to recommend links to include in next month’s newsletter. Send an email to aauwbennvt@gmail.com
Schedule of Programs: Programs: March-June
The Program Committee presents its plans for the next four months, including an in-person picnic at Willow Park in June!
Book Group Selection for March: There, There by Tommy Orange
Join us for a discussion of this novel about urban Native Americans who “know the sound of the freeway better than [they] do rivers … the smell of gas and freshly wet concrete and burned rubber better than [they] do the smell of cedar or sage…”
Also, plan to read April’s Book Group selections:
Ruby Fruit Jungle by Rita Mae Brown and Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic by Alison Bechdel.
Newsletter Co-Editors: Gudrun Hutchins (vtGudrun@comcast.net) and Dawn Rodrigues (dawn.rodrigues@gmail.com)