From Your Treasurer

Many of you may already have received or will soon an email from National AAUW to remind you that your membership dues are due soon.  Please do not pay your dues this way. I’ll explain
why below.

We traditionally have promoted renewing on or before our annual June picnic get-together. There is no need to pay earlier, as there is a 90 day grace period during which your membership is still active. National AAUW staff appear to be attempting to get renewals earlier so they have access to members’ funds sooner than required.

What to do?  I’m asking that you bring a check for your dues to the picnic or mail me a check. Here’s why: in addition to national’s $72 dues (thankfully, not raised this year) we also collect $10 for our branch for operating expenses. The total amount for your national and local dues is  $82. Rather than your having to pay national their share online and then getting us our $10, one check to me will do it all. I also do not find navigating National’s website the most user-friendly experience and if you pay them $82, I have no confidence we’d see our $10. So thank you in advance.

Mail checks made out to AAUW to:
Jan Day
1631 Hidden Valley Road
Shaftsbury, VT  05262

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