Wednesday, February 12 at 1 pm — Scribble Sisters. Location to be announced.
Wednesday, February 19 at 1 pm —Book Group. This month’s book is
Saturday, February 22 at 2:00 pm — Playback Theatre. Unitarian Universalist Meetinghouse, 108 School St., Bennington.
Wednesday, February 26 at 1 pm — Scribble Sisters. Location to be announced.
March—Branch Luncheon. Location, date, and time tbd.
Sunday, April 26 at 2:00 pm – Plastics Program, Unitarian Universalist Meetinghouse, 108 School St., Bennington.
Playback Theater
Playback Theater is a form of improvisational theater in which the actors ask the audience to tell stories from their lives. The actors Then enact them on the spot. Performances are facilitated by a conductor who talks to the audience and helps shape the story for the actors to “playback.” Playback Theater was founded in 1975 by Jonathon Fox and Jo Salas in New Paltz, New York, in 1975. their initial troupe developed the approach to playback over the courseof twenty or so years of experimentation. They were influenced by psychodrama, a form of drama therapy as well as by tradition forms of stereotyping. Janet Groom and her local group of actors will perform for us. The Bennington Theater group has been in existence for more than 12 years.
Women’s Suffrage Monument
In one of his final acts as president, Joe Biden signed the Women’s Suffrage National Monument Location Act into law on Jan. 4. The legislation, sponsored by Colorado Democrat Joe Neguse in the House of Representatives and Wisconsin Democrat Tammy Baldwin in the Senate, authorizes a new monument on the National Mall honoring the women’s suffrage movement and its successful efforts to pass the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which gave women the right to vote.