2023 Board Elections at Annual Membership Meeting

By Julie Mackaman, Nominating Committee Chair

On behalf of our branch’s ad hoc Nominating Committee, which this year also includes Suzanne Kirkpatrick, Dawn Rodrigues and Kathy Wagenknecht, I am pleased to present our list of proposed board members for 2023-2024.

In addition to the three officers, our board also includes committee chairs and others in leadership positions.

The election will take place in our annual membership meeting, held as part of our picnic on Saturday, June 17, 2023 at 12 pm at the Old First Church Barn.

Below is our proposed slate, with incoming (new) officers and leaders identified with an asterisk:


*President:  Suzanne Kirkpatrick. (Two-year term expires July 1, 2025.)

*Secretary: Fronia Simpson. (Two year term expires July 1, 2025.)

Treasurer: Jan Day. (Current term expires July 1, 2024.)

Leadership Positions:

*Programs – Berta Winiker

Membership – Norma McShane

Newsletter – Dawn Rodrigues

*Hospitality –  Althea Church and Carolyn Webb

*Scholarships – Wendy Lyons

Scholarship Funding Initiatives – Mary Feidner and Madeline Kennedy

Media Liaison – Judy Murphy

Equity Officer – Julie Haupt

*Communications – Kathy Wagenknecht (new position)

*Corresponding Secretary – Jennifer Kern (new position)

Click here  for a  description of officer and leadership duties: 

We are delighted at the prospect of some new faces and two new positions on our board. If you’re thinking about upping your involvement in our branch, please contact any of the above branch leaders for information and ways to help.

With the June picnic, I’ll be stepping down from my post as your humble scribe and leaving the board after some 20 wonderful years. I couldn’t be more confident that the board we’re proposing in the June election will be efficient, responsive and merry!

Julie Mackaman, Secretary

AAUW Bennington Branch

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